Billboard Advertising in La Crosse and Eau Claire, WI

In the cities and counties that are close to each other called La Crosse and Eau Claire in the state of Wisconsin, advertisers flock to billboards when they want a medium that cannot be turned off. In the city and county of La Crosse, the billboards are constantly there in the view of residents and everyone else. The static/vinyl and digital/LED La Crosse billboards can be purchased months or weeks of ahead of time, although longer lead times provide for greater diversity of availability.

La Crosse and Eau Claire, WI Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 80 (estimated)
Major Roads I-90, US 14, US 52, West Avenue, Main Street
Attractions University of Wisconsin La Crosse
Population 136,291 (estimated)
DMA No. 127
Race White 91%
Black 4%
Hispanic 1%
Other 4%
Median Income $54,574
Median Age 37

La Crosse and Eau Claire, WI Billboard Advertising Rates

(Estimated per location per 4 weeks. Minimum spend is $5,000, which may be spread over locations and months.)

Bulletin (Large Billboard) $2,000-$4,000
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $2,500-$4,500
Poster (Medium Billboard) $700-$1,200
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $1,000-$1,500

Map of La Crosse and Eau Claire Billboards

Zip Codes 54601 54602 54603 54650 54701 54702 54703
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