Billboard Advertising in Monroe, LA in Ouachita Parish, LA

Monroe, LA billboards in the designated market area of Monroe, LA-El Dorado, AR in Ouachita Parish, LA are large in the daytime and most of them are illuminated in the evenings, thereby making them visible for most of the day. Large brands and small and medium size businesses use the Monroe, LA billboards to remind citizens about their newest products and services.

Monroe, LA Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 60 (estimated)
Major Roads I-20, US 165 and more
Attractions Monroe Civic Center, Pecanland Mall, The Shoppes on Tower, and Northeast Louisiana Children’s Museum
Population 178,970 (estimated)
DMA No. 136
Race White 59%
Black 35%
Hispanic 3%
Other 3%
Median Income $39,904
Median Age 35

Monroe, LA Billboard Advertising Rates

(Estimated per location per 4 weeks. Minimum spend is $5,000, which may be spread over locations and months.)

For more specific pricing, submit Get Free Quote form.

Bulletin (Large Billboard) $1,800-$3,800
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $1,800-$3,800
Poster (Medium Billboard) $700-$1,100
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $1,000-1,500

Monroe, LA Billboards Map

Zip Codes 71201 71203 71209 71212 71217 71202 71207 71210 71213
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