Billboard Advertising in San Angelo, TX in Tom Green County, TX

Billboard advertising in San Angelo, Texas, is a powerful medium for reaching a diverse and vibrant community. Strategically positioned along the main highways, such as US Route 67 and US Route 277, both static/vinyl and digital/LED billboards capture the attention of both locals and travelers passing through this picturesque West Texas city. These billboards are strategically placed near prominent landmarks like the iconic Concho River, which meanders through the heart of San Angelo, and the historic Fort Concho National Historic Landmark. Motorists navigating the bustling streets like West Beauregard Avenue and Bryant Boulevard cannot help but notice the striking billboards that promote a wide array of businesses and events. In a city known for its rich cultural heritage and outdoor recreational opportunities, static/vinyl and digital/LED billboard advertising serves as an essential tool for businesses to connect with their target audience in San Angelo, making a lasting impression as residents and visitors alike explore this charming Texan gem.

San Angelo, TX Billboard Advertising Data

No. of Billboards 70 (estimated)
Major Roads US Route 67 (Bryant Blvd), US Route 277, Sherwood Way (Loop 306 Business), US Route 87, Knickerbocker Road, Beauregard Avenue, Avenue N
Attractions Fort Concho National Historic Landmark, San Angelo State Park, San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts, International Water Lily Garden, San Angelo Nature Center, Historic Downtown San Angelo, The Chicken Farm Art Center, Miss Hattie's Bordello Museum, San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo, Santa Fe Park
Population 200,000 (estimated)
DMA No. 196
Race White 69%
Black 7%
Hispanic 23%
Other 1%
Median Income $46,000
Median Age 32

San Angelo, TX Billboard Advertising Rates

(Estimated per location per 4 weeks. Minimum spend is $5,000, which may be spread over locations and months.)

Bulletin (Large Billboard) $1,800
Digital Bulletin (Large Digital Billboard) $2,250
Poster (Medium Billboard) $810
Digital Poster (Medium Digital Billboard) $1,120

Map of San Angelo Billboards

Zip Codes 76907 76905 76902 76906 76903 76908 76904 76909
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